Saturday, August 05, 2000

Dateline Stanford: Moving Out

So, after nearly two years in Blackwelder, I've graduated and for some reason Stanford wants to kick me out. Anyway, I'm moving to Santa Clara on the weekend of August 12-13. Here's my new contact info, effective August 12:

141 Saratoga Ave. Apt. XXXX
Santa Clara, CA 95051
(408) 985-XXXX
(650) 274-XXXX cell (active now)

Keep in touch!

Tuesday, June 13, 2000

Dateline Stanford: Graduation!

So, Sunday was the Stanford Commencement 2000 and I have now completed my Master's degree in Computer Science. I will be working at Apple starting June 26.

I am staying at Stanford through mid August... here's the contact info for now:

126 Blackwelder Ct., Apt. XX
Escondido Village
Stanford, CA 94305-7514
(650) 497-XXXX

Please note that my primary address for personal email is now
my address. Please update your address books.